It has a block for every subject possible (if you are a school with a million specials, this works). Aaaand the best part, it comes with a whole system for a mini individual personal schedule. So this mini schedule works for my kids who need to see it in front of them. Before I explain how I use it, here it is:
So the prep was sliiiiightly time consuming; I printed, laminated, cut out, then added velcro to each block (which is printed on the mini schedule) on the schedule pad, and then cut out each individual mini block and added velcro to those. BUT, so worth it! So each morning, when the kids come in, I have my large class daily schedule updated (obvi), and the kids with the mini schedule come over, pick out the matching mini velcro blocks from a little bin, and put it on their mini schedule. They love it!
Needless to say, this glittery block schedule has been a hit! Can't wait for more matching products (CCSS aligned I can statements would be amazing......). Until then, check out the product for yourself here: Glittery Building Block Daily Schedule
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