Monday, August 22, 2016

Subject & Predicate Lego Style

The best part about starting the year with 2nd graders is refreshing those sentence writing skills! Of course, my current favorite way to practice any skill: Lego style!
This packet includes 5 anchor charts (all lego style), and one activity that can be differentiated to meet the needs of different skill levels. I'm big on cutting and pasting; this activity includes separate strips of subjects and predicates that can be mixed and match to make a complete sentence.
There are also blank strips for students to write their own subjects and predicates. This is a simple activity to practice identifying subjects and predicates. The blank subject and predicate strips can also be used for assessment purposes. Check out the packet here. Enjoy!

Monday, August 8, 2016

The Struggle of the just right (for me) Weekly Lesson Plan Template

It's that time of year when we start to plan for the year and get our organizational materials organized. This is of course ESSENTIAL for teachers. After years of trying out different planners and binders; I found a happy medium by using both. I need to of course have my weekly schedule in front of me in the traditional planner layout; but I also need to have my meetings and attendance, or even a weekly log of behavior chart movement in the same area. I also like to have my objectives laid out nicely so I can keep the language in the front of my mind, and even repeat it to the kids a few days out of the week :-) Here are a few templates that make me happy, and help my week go smoother:

Here is a link to the Weekly Lesson Templates, check them out! Thanks -:)